This site includes practical courses to jumpstart saving money on tonight's dinner shift, next week's schedule and product, sales boost from the front door to the table, and smart techniques to communicate with the staff to increase retention.


Manage Boss Lead: Practical Operations

There are 7 practical segments with videos, PDFs, quizzes and resource lists to help you and your leaders run a healthier, safer and more efficient restaurant. You will learn about the three essential hats needed for successful restaurant operations, the power behind nonverbal communication, time management strategies and service tips you can use starting with today's dinner shift.

Prime Cost: Labor and Product

This is the set of courses to learn from to make more money fast.

It has the practical help you need to help with your biggest two cost centers: labor and cost of goods.

If you downloaded the Labor Savings Checklist, this is where I walk you through it, and give more labor-saving strategies.

Hourly Employee Coaching

Courses for the leaders of your hourly teams are here. Segments include maximizing your host stand volume, experience enhancing sales and more classes on the way.

Staff Communication

We do a lot of talking, so getting organized on how, when and why we pull the team aside is a big deal. Start adding some communication tools to your toolbox today.

Mental Health Help

This industry can be tough—let's not do it alone.

Free Video Chat

Want to know how to proceed and make the best use of the offerings? Let's chat face-to-face.

Profit & Loss

Whether you want to learn loss statement how to build your first profit and loss statement, or want new tips on making the most out of your current business, this course is for you.

So get your Manage Hat on and get those systems and processes working for you!